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Step into the vivid world of LEGO Friends, an award-winning animated series meticulously crafted by M2 Animation. Explore Heartlake City, a vibrant locale teeming with opportunities for friendship and impactful change. This isn't just another animated show; it's a critically acclaimed series that has garnered multiple awards for its storytelling, animation quality, and character development.
Dive into the lives of Andrea, Emma, Mia, Olivia, and Stephanie as they navigate the ups and downs of being a teenager in Heartlake City. The series is designed to be both aspirational and relatable, showcasing their unique personalities, interests, and the power of friendship. They are best friends forever, or BFFs, and they are 'flawsome,' which means they are awesome but with flaws.
What We Created
ANIMATION: 70 episodes, 23 specials
WEB CONTENT: 141 webisodes, 24 mini-movies
VISUALS: 21 character spots, 11 music videos
ONLINE: 18 web videos, 29 teasers/trailers
Other LEGO Collaborations: LEGO CITY
- Summit Awards
- 3 x Telly Awards
- 2 x Hermes Creative Awards
- Ketnet Annual Awards
Content Delivered To
- TV + 118 countries
- TV + 36 languages
- + all major streaming services